Friday, April 25, 2014

Fukuoka Disease

The Fukuoka disease is a disease to which Opfo users are susceptible.  The disease originates in the Prefecture of Fukuoka and manifests when an Opfo user chooses "Fukuoka" as a location, which abbreviates to "fuk" in the Opfo forum posts.

The Fukuoka disease is akin to the Wichita Falls Syndrome in that the abbreviation for Wichita Falls is "wtf," or else: "what the fuck," whereas "fuk" simulates "fuck" in location abbreviation for a post on Opfo.

So, upon explaining the Fukuoka disease as what happens to be an amazon woman psychiatrist on November 15, 2011 after people are calling my doctor who is out of town: the substitute amazon woman psychiatrist asks me all about the Fukuokas and I tell her about how the Fukuokas are akin to the Tapiocas out of Long Island and while I am seated on the four seater couch in the clinic office with a doctor and nurse, I tell them Obie One sits on side along with the Tapiocas, Fukuokas and myself who is schizophrenic.

More than that: I explain the good of the Fukuokas in staving off homeless people from bumming a cigarette on the street, how homeless people bumming a cigarette run off saying "my head ain't screwed on right" forgetting about a cigarette when I tell a bummer about the Fukuokas.

The amazon woman psychiatrist uncrosses her legs in her business skirt and suit. I see her turquoise underwear amidst pubic hair, which I believe that she does not shave on purpose.  The amazon woman doctor asks the fat nurse to leave the office and close the door behind her.

"But, why doctor?  I want some of his action too."

"Really?  But I don't like fat nurses.  Doctor?  Can you give me a blow job and fuck me silly?"

"Yes, indeed!  ... Out nurse ... this is a patient-doctor meeting now."

"I'll get your cock yet, mister," the nurse states leaving the office and closing the door.

The six foot, amazon doctor slips out of her navy blue skirt revealing stockings to her crevices and garters holding stockings to her hilt.  She straddles me on the four seater couch and pulls aside her turquoise coloured panties.  I grab on to her firm buttocks and thighs, rubbing.

My cock is hard fucking a doctor for two seconds that I last on the couch and I cum inside of her pussy impregnating her through my "stork" fantasies, as I find out later when DHHS contacts me with a bill for child support.

Monday, April 7, 2014

NPR Story 4/6/14

While listening to NPR's "Rape on Campus" story on April 6, 2014, it occurs to me out of my experience at elite schools that rapes and other vile, hazing behaviours are often unpunished in ivy league environments such as Amherst or the Groton School (i.e. Zeke Hawkins circa 1998) because the coterie code of conduct at such institutions seemingly fosters and condones such vile behaviours among elite (as in wealthy) student bodies: as the "Rape on Campus" story suggests in that the victim is denied counsel for her issue and told instead that "men will be men."