Thursday, June 12, 2014

The news that "general assistance"...

The news that "general assistance" (food, water, clothing, shelter and refuge from elements of society and environment) will be denied anyone, anywhere is further proof that people involved in pursuing such an agenda are "xenophobic" and most likely do not know what xenophobia is and of what it is a product, as in to determine psychologically what a person's motive is in denying people (not to mention, animals) basic life support in a society of the "plenty greedy."

I'd have to diagnose the officials who legislated the agenda of denying "general assistance" are guilty of at least several cognates according to the "Seven Deadly Sins." Yet, they that institute such a measure attend church for TV cameras, it seems.

I was homeless for three years living out of a truck in Washington State, locking myself in a library twelve hours per day and attending the local churches' suppers: at least five suppers per week at different churches.The closest thing to a church supper by church ladies for the homeless in Maine and in New England and in a lot of places is a liver and peas brunch.

The Maine delegation to cut off general assistance to approx. 1,000 people saving $1 million / year while the same delegates pay $1 million for a 6-month plagiarism study on welfare fraud in Maine is akin to throwing acid into a pool because of racism, xenophobia, bigotry, etc.

America is a land of "plenty greedy people" when multi-billion dollar corporations are offered incentives and essentially, kickbacks in off shore accounts and other tax incentives while outside CEO headquarters: a homeless man/woman/child is told to move along because he is holding a sign trying to make a buck.