Sunday, July 20, 2014

Suing the American Psychiatric Association:

I am looking for an attorney to help me sue the American Psychiatric Association for the culture of stigma that exists in communities, media and the public's perspective against a diagnosed person when a person is diagnosed with a major mental illness diagnosis out of the DSM IV.

I have extensive personal evidence and records of stigma against me in my community as a mental ill diagnosed person as well as a quick search on the Internet will result in many applicable and evident documentation of stigma, including renowned psychiatrist Dr. E. Fuller Torrey's quote of "schizophrenia is the modern day equivalent of leprosy."

As no person is autonomous in this world and it takes two to tango, I can document verbal and physical stigma against me on the part of police in the community wherein I live, mental health staff at clinics to which I have had appointments, family, so called friends and strangers resulting in a degenerative well being for me: such as excessive suicide ideation and a suicide attempt in 2008 for which I was hospitalised for the eighth time in my life.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Of all the ways that I have tried to communicate ideas, plans, experiences, life events, etc. or try to communicate about those things are always met by devil's advocate rebuttals and retorts that end in people hanging me out to dry.

I have no way of expressing anything utilising the English language, much less to a lot of people with a tongue in cheek, lexicon repertoire in utilising the English language to communicate my thoughts.

I find that I cannot communicate verbally with a lot of people due to the fact that most in this community are the kind that if I look at someone funny: they are liable to beat me up.  The world is full of con men and narcs who call the police over nothing.

I am tired of my situation and need a change.  I need somebody to whom I can communicate through talking in English.  Sometimes, I will say a word another person doesn't understand and the person will have a perplexed look as if they don't understand what I just communicated, but the person will not interject and ask what a word means in constructs of English language to express thoughts and ideas.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fed Up:

The next door house is hosting a loud, underage party singing Happy birthday to the nation on the night of the 4th, 2014 and set off fireworks amidst tinder box houses all built circa 1910 with dry timber all up inside the erections at caterwauling teeny-boppers being prompted to "drink, drink, drink."

I managed to drown out the noise with my 10,000 BTUs.

They are the same neighbours from out west who move here, have no idea and accuse me who has been living here for thirteen years of ransacking change out of their vehicles.

What I don't understand about the time that everybody's tire is slashed is why the tire slashers didn't slash two or all four tires on all the vehicles and rip apart the windshield wipers too with a key swipe across the paint jobs on the vehicles that night!?!  (I guess that they didn't think of it!)

Not the first time that I am accused and it is a plethora of times that I am accused from everything like stealing heat living above another apartment when I explain "heat rises" to a list too long to list here without it reading like a rant.

All I know is that if I even "squeak" my chair or speak an octave higher than a whisper, the police will be knocking at the door because someone calls them on me: much more if I am to host an underage, drinking party keeping the neighbourhood awake with fire crackers and "drink, drink, drink" chants...