Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Under God:

Authoritarian acts by peoples are products of societal "status quorums" instilling false beliefs in varied peoples of diverse variations and situations.

Authoritarian acts are perpetrated by peoples who often fall short in recognizing "similarities" or "likeness" between others, self and, generally: lives on Earth (as if mankind is in any way removed from nature or one another, except that "good fences make good neighbors"). 

Perceived "differences" are sensed and stressed by societal "status quorums," which render deluded and dysfunctional societies and people across the world throughout history and in present day.

So, people act due to instilled, societal "status quorums" and stress perceived "differences" between one another and life on Earth as a result of "status quorums."

Thus, people act under false beliefs without comprehension of "a whole picture" that includes "similarities" in light of perceived "differences" due to societal "status quorums."

Hence, people are by and large deluded and blissful in ignorance of the fact that "Everybody Poops" ... a reason to cultivate "humility" and recognize "similarities."

Finally, authoritarianism is a product of deluded and dysfunctional societies and people who often fail to cultivate a necessary humility and education in building character by treating others as they would be treated because, more often than not, people act on false beliefs learned from societal "status quorums" without capabilities or education to think for themselves, "outside of the box" or within the "laws of nature" where "similarities" abound: as opposed to within "mankind's laws" whereby "differences" are stressed over "similarities" as a result of "status quorums."

Examples of authoritarian acts and authoritarianism are prevalent from the "UC Davis Pepper Sprayer" to Palestinians in Israel and just general breaches in "natural law" among mankind to do good as "stewards of the Earth" by exercising "humility:" as opposed to a "Holier than Thou" or "better than you" false belief of others and life in general learned from "status quorums," whether "man vs. man" or "man vs. nature."

Lastly: life, "status quorums" and "natural laws" may all just be about a "natural pecking order" of things on Earth, whether "man vs. man" or "man vs. nature."

In other words: "life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

So, everything that happens is meant to be, no matter how outrageous happenstance seems or is in light of varied perceptions: from a rhino calf mourning the slaughter of its rhino mother to Joesph Kony's victims mourning the loss of family, friends and limbs ... to victims of the UC Davis Pepper Sprayer who lose sight because of a blatant breach in law and perceived differences in authority between students and uniformed personnel.

It would seem that the world just shits itself day in and day out: which is largely due to mankind's delusional state of mind thinking along the lines of "versus" and "differences" as opposed to "similarities," such as "Everybody Poops."

Or else: "God made me do it," as if all life follows a set path on Earth just as the Earth follows a set path orbiting the sun, rendering something akin to ingesting five laxatives, taking a five mile hike and determining levels of bowel control (of which there is more out of control than under control for any life form in any of infinite variations and situations, including POTUS).

Like it was said to me once upon a time: "you are just one man!"

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