Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tire Center / Dealer Service Records on 2001 Tacoma:


1. 3,000mi. or less oil change, filter, lube without fail: Tacoma's entire life. 
2. Tires rotated every 7,000mi.
3. New Tires at 50,000mi. at Tire Center for free rotation on life of tires.

Fall 2007: 

1. The frame was overhauled for three months at dealer under recall.
2. Commission writer mentions signing off not to do overhaul.
3. Drove off the dealer lot and hoses not attached: Tacoma spewed coolant 4 miles down the road.
4. Took it back to dealer on a tow bed dealer sent to pick it up in town.  Dealer reattaches hoses.

Fall 2008:
1. Tire Center fixes manufacturer muffler on Tacoma with aftermarket parts.
2. Check engine light is on 80mi. from Tire Center lot after picking Tacoma up the previous weekday.
3. Two days after Tire Center works on the muffler, Tacoma is at Dealer for diagnostic.
4. Dealer writer says cable is torqued and aftermarket parts were used: $900 to fix.
5. After Dealer to Tire Center for Tire Center to fix muffler and check engine light.
6. Mechanic is in Tire Center lobby after job and mentions that it was because they used after market parts.
7. Mechanic at Tire Center also mentions that catalytic converter needs replacing.
8. Mechanic also mentions in lobby that catalytic converter is under warranty at 65,000mi/7.5 years.
9. O2 sensor is faulty in muffler as a result of aftermarket parts replaced by on market at Tire Center.
10. A day later, Tacoma is back at Dealer to inquire about catalytic converter under warranty.
11. Commission writer at Dealer says that it is under warranty. Dealer will fix it.
12. Tacoma is at dealer to fix catalytic converter and picked up.

Spring–Summer 2013: 

March 1, 2013: 

1. Tacoma is at Tire Center for oil change & tire rotation.
2. I sit in a camp chair outside of Tire Center awaiting the Tacoma. 
3. Somebody in passing traffic calls police who arrive and say someone called police on me.
4. Tire Center commission writer steps out of front door and says to police that Tire Center has Tacoma.
5. Policeman says to me "you're OK.  someone called us.  said you looked passed out."
6. I was playing with my camera sitting in a camp chair that I retrieved from my truck before service.

June 30, 2013:

1. 80mi from Dealer and Tire Center, the muffler tailpipe rattles at first, then detaches: hanging.

July 3, 2013:
1. At Tire Center to fix hanging tailpipe.  Commission writer says muffler work was done in 2010.
2. M. at Tire Center phones to say there are 487$ worth of repairs besides the hanging tailpipe.
3. I ask financier who says yes and call back M. at Tire Center to say do the work on the muffler.
4. At Tire Center Wednesday July 3, 2013 430PM to pick up Tacoma: $472.

July 4, 2013:

1. Tacoma makes sound five minutes into first trip of the day.  Tacoma is stopped at noon on a street.
2. The sound is a 1-1/16 wrench wedged between the suspension and inside wall on the passenger side rear wheel well.
3. Road Service removes the wrench and takes pictures with a phone the which I never receive in email.
4. At 4PM of July 4, 2013, check engine light is on after driving.

July 5, 2013:
1. At 8AM at Dealer for diagnostic.  Told it was $117/hr.
2. Dealer phones me later July 5, 2013 and tells me $3300 for two catalytic converters.
3. I ask Dealer about Fall 2008 catalytic converter under warranty service records.
4. Dealer commission writer says there is no record of work on the converters.
5. Dealer says there is a record in 2010 of an estimate for a torqued cable and aftermarket parts: $900.

July 8, 2013:

1. Tacoma is driven from Dealer four miles to "reputable" mechanic.
2. "Reputable" mechanic estimates 998.62$ for two catalytic converters and labor.

July 9, 2013:

1.  "Reputable" mechanic calls to say gasket to catalytic converter is faulty in that it affects the flange.  Muffler work by Tire Center is brand new and fine.  Tacoma needs the two catalytic converters as Dealer commission writer said July 5, 2013.  "Reputable" mechanic estimates $998.62 for two catalytic converters as of 10h40 July 9, 2013.  "Reputable" mechanic says nothing wrong with suspension or wheel where wrench was jammed on July 4, 2013.

*"Reputable" mechanic was recommended by two friends of mine.


Dealer and Tire Center commission writers spoke on phone in 2008 to avert fixing catalytic converter at Dealer and fixing muffler at Tire Center, which is why the date on their records of the service work for the Tacoma's muffler is 2010: after warranty expired for the catalytic converters.

Commission writers are crooks.  Find a "reputable" mechanic!

Incidentally, a tailgate handle or door handle for the Tacoma at the Dealer is 132$.  An aftermarket door handle or tailgate handle off the Internet is $20 and works fine!

Vehicle manufacturer makes their brand vehicles so that parts are from manufacturer at Dealer. 

Picture of 1-1/16 wrench left in passenger side rear wheel well jammed between suspension and inside rubber of tire:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Why do say to me that I don't let people like me?

There is something about me and/or my life that make people hate me, including family members.  What is it so I can change it asap?  Is it that I am a humbug?  Because being hated by family, so called friends to strangers at times and at times not or else permanently or temporarily makes me want to kill myself.  My pets in life have been the only ones who have given me respite from that predicament.  If you tell me some of the ways that I act as to why people hate me besides wearing ratty clothes (the which I don't always do), then it will save me a lot of time in figuring it out with a therapist. 

You say that you have known me for forty years and that I have been the same for forty years.  Have I not changed any at all?  Is it that I am focused on my problems too much always bringing them up, as in "me me me?"  ME used to say that I am a hard person to get to know, but that once you get to know me: I am a pretty good person. 

Is it just that there are a lot of hateful people in the world and I can honestly say that I don't hate anyone except myself because I feel or am acted towards with hatred by people I meet on all sides from NYC to ME, all my life?  Ask BU., NP, BW and JV why they hate me or acted as if they hated me when I was around them until I had to get away from them for what you said in a hateful remark to me over and over about what I told you was their actions and words towards me: "it's all in your head."  Why did you say "it's all in your head" to me over and over for years and years?  Was it due to my diagnosis? 

Why did JB ask me when I last got my shot and practically shout at me to tell him when up there last remembering how he shouted at me to take that med for which I have won a settlement due to its side effects on me while taking it at the same time as being shouted at to take it so the doctor came to the apartment and took it out of my cupboard because he saw the blood test results of another potential sodium seizure within two years of the first sodium seizure because of the side effects? 

Will you be asking for another date and time of when I am going to be killing myself over a Christmas and New Year's eating hotdogs and nachos at 7-11? 

Why have the cops been called on me 34 times in 15 years of living here?  Are they either trying ardently to incarcerate me or have an excuse to kill me?  Why did one of the coffee shop baristas at the coffee shop that I have been going to for 14 years call the police on me on the day of the Boston Marathon for drinking a soda pop from a paper bag sitting on a next door business' back door stoop?

I imagine that the axiom that "people are always going to hate" is especially true for me in my experience.  People come out of nowhere and act hateful towards me for no reason and all the time forever for forty years of my life or at least when I moved from overseas to NYC at ten years old and around the USA in later years.