Friday, December 13, 2013

Animal Cruelty is No Joking Matter:

Declared by the Almighty "stewards of the earth," humans have failed.

We are more interested in cheap Chinese toys with lead paint on them than Albatross eating out of a sea of plastic floating in Puller's toilet rendering Albatross chicks gutted by everything from plastic bags to plastic syringes.

What I do not understand is why the Albatross don't recognise sardines from plastic, or are the sardines eating plastic shards too thinking it undersea lichen?

I suppose that if I never saw a Coke bottle fall from the sky and land at my feet thrown by a pilot à la "The Gods Must Be Crazy," then I would walk to the ends of the earth to rid of it too.

Same principle applies to the Albatross not being able to distinguish plastic from fish.  The Pacific Ocean is littered with everything from toothbrushes washing up on Hawaii beaches to worn tires tossed into the ocean as well as syringes, medical waste, etc.

Why POTUS' don't deploy services and exercise their power to clean up the planet is beyond me!

At the rate that the planet spins on its axis every 24 hours revolving around the sun every 365 days, humans are spinning their wheels twice and three times as fast just to leave their mark on a one day overgrown tarmac with humans in extinction.

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