Monday, February 24, 2014

Thinking Things:


"Just go under the bridge over 95 where the homeless people shit and slit your throat."

"Just kill yourself, now."

"Nobody wants you around anyway."

"Nobody likes me."

"Maybe I should just kill myself."

"Hang yourself.  Find a tree limb and go out and hang yourself so nobody can save your life."

"Everybody wants me dead."

"I'm a good for nothing schizoid."

"I am a pathetic, crazy, teat sucker, asshole, mother fucker, piece of shit, chicken, schizoid who hears voices, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm."

and so forth ... which I want to supplant with thinking along these lines ...


"I have the love of my dog, cat and wife."

"I love myself and cat, dog, wife."

"I am a good person."

"I am kind hearted."

"I like life."

"The world can be beautiful."

"Focus on the good of things."

"I have a lot to live for."

"I am enjoying myself and am never bored."

"I am eager to be out and about working around my community."

"In general, I like people, places and things and have an open mind."

"I respect myself and others."

"There are many more people in worse condition than me.  I should practice empathy and enlightenment of my condition in the world relative to others."

... and so forth.

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