Saturday, May 10, 2014

Portland, Maine - Life is Here:

New England is the Capital of Assholes, imo:

I have been living in Maine for seventeen years and I have made maybe one friend who has never conned me or ridiculed me of something outside of my wife.

I have given much to this community and nobody returns the favour, except my wife and one friend. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike and never is there a return. I have volunteered at various non-profits. I have worked for eight years at a U here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost everyday and I am always treated like shit without even a hello, how are you today ever when the baristas treat others with light banter. Just a "what can I get you?"

Wherever I go: people call police on me and have called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, chicken, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically nuts, zero credibility, I'll kill you, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm.

The above listed are all names that I have been called since living in Maine on top of being stopped by police forty different times since January 1998.

The name calling and one or two beatings for which nothing was done except to me being hospitalised. The pain in my rib nags everyday since July 4, 2001 upon a home invasion and it is now 2014.


New England is the epitome of great people: imo

have been living in New England for many years and I have made many friends who never conned me or ridiculed me of something including of my wife.

I have given much to this community and everybody returns the favour, including my wife and many friends. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike and usually there is a return. I have volunteered at various non-profits. I have worked for eight years at a U here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost everyday and I am always treated like a friend with a hello, how are you today when the baristas treat others with light banter. Just a "what can I get you, valued customer and friend?"

Wherever I go: people never call police on me and have never called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, chicken, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically nuts, zero credibility, I'll kill you, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm. Never, not once.

If it weren't for the nagging pain in my ribs from a common household accident on July 4, 2001 life here would be GREAT!


New England is the Suburb of Gookballs, imo:

I have been living in Rhode Island for thirty-seven years and I have made maybe one friend who has never conned or raped me of something outside of my daughter.

I have given nothing to this community and nobody returns books to the library, except my wife and one friend, Duffless. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike with photos of penises and never is there an arrest. I have volunteered at various abortion clinics. I have worked for eight years at a Welding School for Retards here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost every year and I am always treated like Hitler without even a hello, how are you today ever when the baristas treat others with enormous cleavage shots. Just a "what can I get you, kikeface?"

Wherever I go: people call police on me because they think I'm black and have called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, great courageous person, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically extremely competent, 100% credibility, I'll invite you into my home, alkie who spills his drinks with a guy named Sherm.

The above listed are all names that I have been called since living in Delaware on top of being stopped by hassidic jews forty different times since January 1998, to haggle over corned beef.

The name calling and one or two beatings for which nothing was done except to me being hospitalized. I was hoping to be invited to the White House for a formal apology from President Reagan. The pain in my rib nags everyday since July 4, 1968 upon the Tet Offensive and it is now 1984.

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