Wednesday, October 22, 2014

NPR Facebook Exchange about Ebola:

me: their blood transfusion donations are worth millions...

xyz: Oh good idea! Let's exploit them since they're poor and have no options. Do you really think that, if their blood was used, they would receive any benefit from it?

me: My statement is a facetious statement about the way of the world much in the same way that a flat chested woman can raise 100,000$ for a b00b job and I can't raise $2 for as well as the fact that 1% of the world's population who live on NYC's Park Ave. has accrued more wealth than the poorest 50% of the world population leading to profound income and quality of life disparities in populations up to and including a lack of clean water and food for at least 75% of the world's populations while people fill a pool in Vegas (a desert) so a dog can swim in it.

Depletion of world, natural habitats through exploitation of resources (which caused the Ebola outbreak in the first place along with civil wars and mass scale devastation to human and animal habitats) is just so Steve Jobs, et al. can own a super yacht and you and I can type away on a crappy computer that would not work were it not for exploiting the Congo of its minerals causing militias to manifest over greed. Don't talk to me about "exploitation" when I am chronically unemployable even as a dishwasher and must panhandle to rub two dimes together!

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