Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What I Know about Ebola:

Ebola is a virus first detected in villages along side the Ebola River and it is named after the Ebola River in the Congo during the early 1970's.  At the time of the first detected outbreak of Ebola, the Ivory Coast soccer team is supposed to play against the Congo (then known as Zaïre) soccer team, but the Ivory Coast contends that the team doesn't want to go to the Congo because of Ebola. However, the governing soccer franchise administrators say that if the Ivory Coast team does not go play the game in the Congo, the Ivory Coast forfeits.  The Ivory Coast team goes to the Congo, plays and when the Ivory Coast scores the first goal, the Congolese crowd stands up and jeers: "Ebola! Ebola!"

The 1970's Ebola outbreak is either stemmed or runs its course with several of the Western doctors in the Congo at the time succumbing to the virus.  It is thought that the Ebola virus is transmitted through an exchange of bodily fluids between people and people are first infected with the virus by eating so called "bush meat," such as bats and monkeys.  (Monkeys are also thought to have infected humans with the AIDS virus, or, HIV through someone being bitten by a monkey at some point in time.  AIDS or HIV is also spread through direct, bodily fluid contact, but unlike Ebola: does not survive in open air).

During the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus, news reports are stating that the Ebola virus could mutate into an airborne contraction of the virus akin to the flu: if the epidemic in West Africa is not stemmed.  (The CDC admits that Ebola might be airborne on October 14, 2014).  As of October, 2014, approximately 9,000 people in West Africa are dead of the Ebola virus and two confirmed cases of Ebola are contracted by health professionals outside of West Africa: a nurse in Madrid, Spain, whose husband is quarantined and whose dog named "Excaliber" is euthanised, and a nurse in Dallas, TX, USA, whose husband and dog are quarantined while authorities burn all of their possessions and vacate their neighbours from adjacent domiciles.  There are other suspected cases in the USA at regional hospitals, such as at Mt. Sinai in New York City and Maine Medical Centre in Portland, ME, but tests prove Ebola virus is not detected in those cases.

Also, at least six Med Sans Frontier doctors in West Africa contract the disease and are life flighted in a specially equipped plane from West Africa to Atlanta, Nebraska and on October 13, 2014: a German doctor is life flighted to Germany for treatment of Ebola.  The German doctor dies of Ebola in Germany on October 14, 2014.

Further, it is thought that the first case of Ebola during 2014 is in Sierra Leone by one individual who then transmits the virus through bodily contact with a relative who then contracts the virus and Ebola spread.  The entire country of Sierra Leone is put on lockdown while health workers go from house to house searching for Ebola victims so that the victims can be isolated immediately.  Concerns are that people touch one another, fawn over sick or dying family members and then contract the virus themselves through bodily fluid contact, such as sweat.  A lot of mistrust towards governments and health workers in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea at first is shifting to heeding the calls of best health protective measures by, for instance, thumping a chest when saying hello instead of shaking hands.

Lastly, news of Ebola is causing widespread panic in the USA and elsewhere as people do not understand what the virus is and there are no definitive explanations of what Ebola is and is not other than it is deadly.  Best advice: don't mention the word Ebola (not even a joke) on a plane, in a school or anywhere people might misconstrue what is said and then HazMat is called!  

One wonders if Ebola is the "end all" of the human race in that nature is taking its course to restore natural habitats that are depleted by humans in that there is less than 40% left of the world's wild lands or natural habitats without influence of humans (a statistic which mirrors the extinction of the dinosaur on the earth in that the earth could not support the populous dinosaurs).  So, nature runs its course through releasing a virus like Ebola out of earth's elements coupled with depleted food sources and natural habitats.  Thus, extinction, or, the threat of it! 

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