Monday, January 13, 2014

A Story About How I Met My Wife:

I am at the urologist for that particular side effect with my gf at the time who is to give me a ride home after the incision.  My gf happens to have the same last name as the doctor who is to perform the fifteen minute surgery.

Well, the nurse behind the glass makes a comment to the doctor awaiting papers for me, the doctor's next patient.  I think that another old couple in the waiting room overhears the nurse because the old couple man's wife holds up a magazine and reads aloud in the waiting room:

"A 98 year old was to marry a 68 year old and when the 98 year old man was asked what he thought about marrying a woman 30 years younger: the 98 year old says ... "yes, I'd love a sandwich."

I don't end up getting the vasectomy that day because I had taken aspirin and wore my briefs into the office before the surgery.  My gf at that time gives me a ride home.  I end up getting the surgery at a later date, but I have no one but a waiting taxi to give me a ride home after I cheat on the gf with the same last name as the urologist.

I am now married to the woman with whom I cheat on the gf who takes me to the urologist the first time.  I try to get them into a cat fight when they are both in my apartment at the same time, but both of them keep saying that one or the other would have to leave.

So, I figure: it's better to keep one woman if I can't have two and take one outside for a ride to get weed while I tell the other to stay at the apartment until we get back.  I tell them that we'll smoke.  Needless to say, the gf that takes me to the urologist is not at the apartment when I arrive back with the present woman I now call wife.

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