Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Zero Point or Parking Ticket License:

I line up to parallel park on a street that I frequent for coffee with blinker flashing and reverse lights in gear.  The vehicle behind me is on my tail so I can't reverse into the spot and park.  I reverse a tad bit after idling for some minutes while more traffic lines up down the street behind the vehicle in my rear view.

The driver of the vehicle behind me pulls out and flips me the finger through her passenger window as she crosses the double yellow around my vehicle.  Some ten vehicles that were behind the vehicle in my rear view who flips me off cross the double yellow to pass me who is trying to park.

It is not the first time that someone flips the finger at me while crossing the double yellow to go around my parking a vehicle on a street.

In SFO once upon a time, I am parking and a driver in a european make crosses the double yellow.  My driver side bumper nicks the passenger door of her vehicle.

The woman driver stops and calls police when I tell her that police in SFO will not write a report unless there is human injury.  Besides, she crosses the double yellow to drive around me while I am parking with signals and reverse lights in gear.

Police show up and tell her what I tell her about police in SFO not filing reports for "ding-a-lings."

Another time in SFO, I cross the double yellow to drive around a rail car and a policewoman pulls me over issuing me a ticket for a moving violation.  I go to traffic school, as is also the law (to go to traffic school) in California: but, not here.

I notice that most drivers here cross double yellow lines to drive around a parking vehicle.  An exception is emergency vehicles, which I notice stop and wait for idling vehicles with signals to park instead of crossing a double yellow.

I have yet to notice an emergency vehicle here stopping traffic for a driver who crosses a double yellow.  I notice tickets for jay walking and running red lights, but not for crossing a double yellow in an event where it can be avoided.

Next door to the coffee shop, there is a post office outside of which a big postal truck stops double parked morning and evening.  Drivers cross the double yellow to drive around the postal truck without flipping off the postal worker.  The same is true for beer trucks and other delivery drivers.

I have a "hurry up and wait" sticker on my bumper.  Is that irksome?  

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