Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"–The 2012 Scoop: an Errant Knave's Title:–"

In the beginning, New York City teetered on the edge of successive disasters.  A man prayed for it.  Then, he hung up the receiver and the city healed to burgeon into a Mecca for spirits, a place to linger in the afterlife.

Aeon Yuk was the man's name: of Cambodia was he in New York City.  During the time that Aeon Yuk of Cambodia in New York City was praying, New York City was an eight million count populous.

At the time of Aeon Yuk's arrival in New York City, New York City was comprised of sixteen different ethnic groups.  After Aeon Yuk left the city due to mistreatment of his soul, there were thirty-two ethnic groups and the populous count increased to sixteen million.

Aeon Yuk had prayed for it.

So: in the beginning, New York City teetered on the edge of successive disasters, as did many in New York City who had offended the Cambodian man's spirit.  Many, save a few ...

This a story of the few.  The crime that the many had committed against the few is referred to as "–Telephonics.–"  If caught, it is punishable by an eternity in a purgatory, "–Purgatory's–" chambers being many in count.  Aeon Yuk caught them and scooped them into individual purgatories during the "Year of Our Lord 2012" for an eternity, or for at least 1,000 years after which time, the perpetrators would be released back to New York City as spirits in the afterlife.

An African-American homeless man stood on a corner in New York City's Upper West Side beside a telephone booth on 95th Street and Broadway outside of a seedy, fast food restaurant with rats and cockroaches known to scurry across tables. The clientele were addicts and the homeless.

The African-American homeless man was dressed in a beige overcoat, tattered jeans and sneakers with no shoelaces and holes in the toes, tongues of the shoes tilted forward and lopsided as he stood in one place shifting his weight from foot to foot.  He wore a ripped at the neck, white T-shirt with black lettering of a logo.  The year was 1985 and the day was fine with sunshine beaming on a May day.  Traffic whizzed south down Broadway.

The African-American man held a white telephone receiver to his ear with cord dangling around his waist.  He traded stocks.

"Buy!  Buy!  Sell!  Sell!" he kept shouting into the white telephone receiver with cord dangling to and fro at his waist as his body twitched with anticipation at the prospect of real money, or what he thought was real money being traded on his behalf at Wall Street several miles south of where he stood beside a telephone company phone booth.  Pedestrians ambled past him looking quizzically at the African-American man shouting into the receiver and continued on their way.  Addicts and other homeless people of all ethnicity entered and exited the seedy, fast food restaurant.

On that May day in 1985, Aeon Yuk walked past the African-American man with the white, cordless phone receiver that had a cord dangling at his waist trading stocks into the air.  Aeon Yuk, though never to see the man again, took note of him thinking to himself that the African-American man on the corner of 95th St. and Broadway was ahead of his times.

"Sir Bah Arisherr," a New Yorker of "daddy's money fame," knew Aeon Yuk and despised him for his virtue.  He plotted with "Cohorts" who also had fathers with a lot of money and lived on Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side of New York City to steal from Aeon Yuk one soul: Aeon Yuk's soul so that "Sir Bah Arisherr" could live a life of debauchery with it since that was what he desired of himself being selfish.  Aeon Yuk was not selfish: quite the opposite, actually.

Though "Sir Bah Arisherr" and his fellow "Cohorts" managed to steal Aeon Yuk's soul through the crime of "–Telephonics–" and live a rich life for nineteen years in New York City with Aeon Yuk's soul in debauchery, Aeon Yuk's soul boomeranged on "Sir Bah Arisherr and Cohorts" so that they were punished for 1,000 years in the individual chambers of "–Purgatory–," each with his or her own cell or chamber in "–Purgatory–" and tormented every nano second of the one thousand years that they were to be sentenced by "G-d" Himself on Aeon Yuk's behalf.

'Cazzarina,' a fair woman with whom Aeon Yuk loved and fixed with by the "Sir Bah Arisherr of daddy's money fame" during the fall of 1988, was stolen from Aeon Yuk and sodomized by "Sir Bah Arisherr's Cohorts" from "–Legion's High School–" after Aeon Yuk left New York City in June of 1989 after having loved 'Cazzarina' and 'Cazzarina' saying that she loved Aeon Yuk.  

Aeon Yuk spoke with 'Cazzarina' one evening on the telephone while away and she told Aeon Yuk what had happened: that, in 'Cazzarina's' words over the receiver to Aeon Yuk many miles away from New York City never to return after news of it, "they fucked me in the ass, Aeon!"

Aeon Yuk hung up the receiver.  He never spoke to 'Cazzarina' again having stolen her apple in the first after 'Cazzarina' stole the apple from "–the Beast–" protecting "–Incipience's–" virtue and leaving a trail of blood on New York City's denizens, i.e. successive disasters in years to come.

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