Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grease Balls:

"Danny is a stalker who died ..."

"Oh! he did! Tell me more! Tell me more! Tell me more!"

"Oh Danny ..."

"I'm not Danny. I'm Shirley. Same Shirley descendent of Shirley plantation founded six years after Jamestown in Virginia."

"Oh! Who needs your jack ass piddly ant shit anyways ... get outta here ya bum ..."

"But ... but ... I'm a descendent of King Echbert of Wessex, first King of England in 820AD."



"You gotta crack rock or ain't ya!?"


"Back to the streets you go, motherfucker!"

Shirley, booted onto the streets in front of seven eleven, barefoot and homeless, is left panhandling for change, the which he cannot spend without shoes or shirt.

However, beautiful women who approach the seven eleven where Shirley stands in front barefoot and shirtless give Shirley multitudes of their buxom attention while Shirley ejaculates in their mouths by a dumpster.

Then, a reincarnated Danny takes over the gig at the seven eleven dumpster after Shirley is hitched to one of the women there having earned enough from getting his cock sucked to buy a condo and shack a private hooker who is surprisingly good looking and could suck the chrome off of a ball and hitch.

Shirley lives out his days beckoning his bitch to just call him "Woogie" until a woman named Mary shows up out of the blue on a sandy beach in Miami where Shirley and girlfriend are vacationing having made much money as Web cam models.

The three friends at this point engage in modest soft porn conversation and touching with one another, each tantalized by the relations of the other to the point where all three ejaculate at a camera man's command earning them $100-$1500 split three ways according to an ad under gigs.

Everybody lives happily ever after, except Danny who is at the seven eleven, barefoot and homeless sucking cock by the dumpsters because Danny falls by the way side of "My Own Private Opfo" when Sandra Dee shows up and it is love at first sight upon seeing Danny.


"Who me!?"

"Yes. I'm Sandra."

"Hi. I'm Danny."

The rest is history rife with other gestational tales of tails which pang for kale dinner and the caca that ensues, especially when served with potatoes, garlic and tempeh on Sandra Dee's china platter.

"Oh! Sandra Dee! Your meal was so good ... I just want to fill you with cream."

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