Wednesday, September 18, 2013


What is a word to describe a person who purports to love a child's mother more than the child?


What is a word to describe a person who purports to love a mother's child more than the mother?


What are some psychological ramifications and descriptive words of the described scenario?

Example 1: 

Driving in a car in winter:

Passenger: Watch out for that woman!

The woman is standing on the driver side corner waiting to cross dragging a sled with kid.  The woman crosses in front of the car.  Hard stop.  Passenger window is down.

Driver to woman: What the fuck was that!?

Passenger to driver:  You were speeding!  You would've been arrested if you had hit her.

Driver: I wasn't speeding!  I was doing the speed limit!  Fucking people!

Passenger: Sounds like you care more about her kid than she does!

Example 2:

Man 1: So, you going to fuck your mother now!?

Man 2: (doesn't answer.  moves away.)

Example 3:

A man, son and son's mother are seated at a table.  They discuss the son's taxes.  The man tells the mother that she should hire a professional to do the son's taxes.  It is heeded advice.  The son rises from the table and says to mother that they should start on it now.  The man interprets the son's actions as being rude to his mother.  The man proceeds to rise from the table and storm into the kitchen where mother and son watch him bend over yelling at the son.  The man pulls out a dental mirror and puts it to his buttocks through his legs bending over saying to the son that he should put a mirror to his ass and take a look at himself.  Then, the man leaves slamming the door.

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