Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Richard and Mario Forever in Love:

Richard Puller's jalopy idles at a red light on a notorious, corner destination for "Johns" and their prey.

A scantily clad woman saunters up to Richard's driver side window to seemingly ask him something.

"Excuse me, sir!"

"No!" Richard retorts.  "And I am not looking for a date."

"Well, excuse me, sir!  Neither am I!  I only wanted to ask you..."

"No date!  I tell you what...to get you off the streets, I will offer you a job scrubbing toilets in my motel.  What say you?"

"Oh yes!  Mr. Puller...!"

"Wait!  How did you know my name!?"

"Oh!  Mr. Puller ... all the girls know you if you know what I mean ... we hear all about it from Mario."

"Oh shit!"

The light turns green and Richard accelerates forward on his way home to his husband.

"Hello Mario!  I'm home."

Mario doesn't answer as Richard disrobes ready for his martini and cock sucking after a long day at the motel.


There is a moaning sound coming from the attic.  The moaning sound is distinctly female, it seems to Richard.

Richard ascends the steps to the attic drop ladder on the third floor and the sound is definitely female.

He ascends the ladder to the attic, opens the hatch and sees his husband Mario with a scantily clad woman in lingerie sucking his husband's cock.

"Mario!  How dare you!?"

"Oh shit!  I wasn't expecting you home so early..."

The woman reels and grabs her discarded garments off of the attic floor.

"Don't worry, dear!" Richard states to the woman who was sucking Mario's cock.  "I am willing to try anything once.  Why don't I come and join you two?"

"Oh!  That would be delightful, Richard," Mario, Richard's husband, states ecstatically to which the woman exclaims emphatically that she will not suck or fuck Richard after seeing polka dot discoloration on Richard's cock when Richard pulls down his pants in the attic with Mario, his husband, and the woman.

"Why not!?" Richard inquires of the woman.

"Because you are diseased.  Look at those polka dots on your pecker!"

"Those aren't polka dots!  A little discoloration and scabbing from pulling my meat or else Mario's teeth ... that's all!"

"Well, OK.  I'll settle this, Richard.  How about I call -tt-?"

"Who is -tt-?" the woman asks in the attic.

"My special request of my husband ... now beat it like the Jackson Five, bitch!" Richard states to the woman.

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