Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Dirty Fuck:

Fresn0 P00p Guy walks into a bar bathroom in Fresno and as stifling as it is to the women in the bathroom, the women freeze as he enters a stall in the bathroom and leaves the stall door open.

Fresn0 P00p Guy emits a flatulent substance into the porcelain bowl that shakes the foundation of the bar distorting blaring speakers from the bar room band outside of the bathroom door.

The women in the bathroom at the bar with Fresn0 P00p Guy on porcelain immediately bow down to Fresn0 P00p Guy in unison on a black and white tiled bathroom floor.

"Oh master, Shitter, how may we serve you?" they ask prostrate, glancing up at Fresn0 P00p Guy on his what appears as gold porcelain signaling a lighted way for future Fresn0 P00p Guys posting on Opfo.

"Never mind that!  I say: aren't you so and so's daughter?"

"Why, yes, Master Fresn0 P00p Guy who can tame the panties off of a nun ... I am so and so's daughter."

"Hmm ... How old are you now?"

"Barely legal, Master Fresn0 P00p Guy."

"Fine then.  I will whisk you away with whiskey and shack you in my mansion with golden toilets."

"Really, Master!?  Can I take my friends?"

"Oh yes, Master Fresn0 P00p Guy, we want to go too, Master."

Suddenly, the door bursts open to the bar bathroom and it is the bar owner, Mitch.

"Oh shit!  Bitches!  Collect your money from Fresn0 P00p Guy.  Make sure he's got all of it!"

"Fucking disgusting!" the women at once prostrate on the bathroom floor say in unison standing up and shuffling out of the door.

"Pays good," one chimes.

"All right. Outta here girls."

"Mitch! What the hell you doin'? I pay good money!"

"You are not to come back to this Fresn0 bar again, ya hear!  How much you give them?"

"$2 each."

"Fucking whores. Do anything for chump change."

"You ready to tap your foot under the next stall, Mitch?"

"Let me just check my teeth since your shit splattered all over the bathroom."

Mitch checks his teeth in a mirror smeared with lipstick residue and splatters of shit while Fresn0 P00p Guy plugs his butt with a tampon from a dispensing machine.

"Is this how you like it, Mitch?"

"Oh, you know it. I love your poopyheadedness."

"Really!? I am considered a freak in society when I do it on the sidewalk sometimes but here at the Dirty Fuck, I can shit and be appreciated."

Mitch and P00pGuy clean shit humming Ode to Joy.

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