Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Apples are worth money:

why else would Eve pick it, since bitches love money?

And, why else would Adam take it, but because the asshole loves to fuck?

An interpretation of the KJV "Garden of Eden" story is that there was no "apple" or "tree of good and evil" or even a "Garden of Eden," but that it is a folklore story of a so called Adam and Eve who felt mutually desirable to each other with Eve "egging" Adam on having "been fashioned" from Adam's rib (women having an aura of allure to heterosexual men - hence, a rib as a metaphor for allure and an explanation of sexual attraction).

Adam and Eve then "porkulate" even though they are told not to by G-d and along came G-d (or, the angry parent) who kicks them out of the house to make a life elsewhere due to the act of "porkulating" under the same roof as an angry parent who hates to be disobeyed by kids thinking it shameful for kids to act in such ways under the same roof as He.

"Thus shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife!"

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