Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"The World is Schizoid:"

"To pillory" (in the figurative sense) means "to expose to public ridicule, scorn and abuse," or more generally to humiliate before witnesses: as is wont of general, public perception and, hence, public opinion and resulting pillory or stigma directed at schizophrenia and individuals diagnosed with it by varied members of communities in which people live.

Definitions of schizophrenia are obfuscated in medical and layman jargon with no clear definition of what schizophrenia isand is not, from varied opinions to varied opinions about definitions of itby anybody and everybody (in my opinion as a person diagnosed with schizophrenia when a twenty-three year old male in 1996 and having sought treatment for it since diagnosed).

Community perceptions of schizophrenia are, in part, formulated by media about schizophrenia.   

Media about schizophrenia can incur upon an individual diagnosed with schizophrenia to be pilloried or to be stigmatized by opinion and action on the part of various members in communities with a mind to stigmatize and to pillory people diagnosed with it because of how it, schizophrenia, is portrayed in media and then perceived by members of communities attune to what so-called experts report in media and elsewhere about schizophrenia.  

So: media helps formulate opinions about schizophrenia in varied communities, which usually results in pillory or stigma by varied people in communities directed at individuals experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia or else, labeled with a diagnosis of it. 

For example, media correlates schizophrenia with bad, violent or eventful, criminal acts in 77% of media generated schizophrenia portrayals(cross-genre and cross-format), whereas the statistic of bad, violent or eventful, criminal acts committed by the schizophrenia population of approximately two million people diagnosed with it in America is less than 3%: a figure that reflects the general population statistic of perpetrated bad, violent or eventful, criminal acts.

As cited by Dr. E. Fuller Torrey on a Diane Ream Show Episode of National Public Radio following the December 14, 2012 event at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut amidst prevalent reports in media of the perpetrator at Sandy Hook being handicapped with autism, perpetrators of gun violence in America are split 50/50 between people with reported mental health issues (schizophrenia or otherwise) and people from general populations without prior known mental health issues: cognizance of subjects reflected as "competence" in judicial and/or in medical settings.

Other statistics are that one in five people of the American population are diagnosed with a major mental health diagnosis at some point in life and an estimated half of the American population experiences at least one episode related to mental health at some point in life, the prevalence of diagnoses increasing with successive years of population dynamics and changes in psychiatry as a medical science in treating mental health since its inception to medical sciences to treat mental health during the 1800's. 

As a side note: the term "disgruntled worker" was coined by a judge and reported by media to describe a person who turned a gun on co-workers from a case during the 1990's.

The so-called "disgruntled worker" at one time was a tax paying worker or valued member of society (economics recognized as a general measure of human worth to society) who then rampages with gun on objects of hate being co-workers (as a case may present) to become termed a "disgruntled worker" by a judge.

From a productive member of society measured by economic worth in taxes paid through gainful employment to becoming termed as "a disgruntled worker" led to tongue in cheek jokes about such people as people who "go postal" (being that it was a postal worker who was dubbed "a disgruntled worker" by a judge and reported as "a disgruntled worker" in media of the event).

The term "disgruntled worker" is now commonly known verb-age amongst some, as is "go postal," (though the origin of the terms is not widely known by those bantering them other than the terms meaning someone who turns a gun on one time co-workers and the terms "disgruntled worker" and "go postal" being quirky descriptions of a person who commits a horrific act for which the person in question received multiple murder charges, a significant judgement and notoriety coined in terms by a judge, the public and reported in media of the event).

"Though you think to know it, yet do you not know it." -KJV

"Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting." -Edmund Burke

"There are more things in heaven and earth than dreamed of in your philosophies." -Hamlet 

Communicative modality, such as gestures and voices, transmit thoughts.

Complexities of the term "voices" (as defined in psychiatric criteria for diagnosis of a mental illness such as schizophrenia) are perplexing in that the term "voices" is not defined as "thoughts" in diagnostic criteria nor in opinions of psychiatrists by whom I have been interviewed, though there is no other definite source for what is termed "voices" other than "voices" originating in brains wherein "thoughts" are thought to originate: there being no (to date) scientific evidence for origins of thoughts, just theories that "thoughts" occur due to brain chemistry.

As conjecture: the term "voices" and what it connotes is likely akin to dream cycles in which a subject sleeping "holds conversations" in dream cycles or "in a brain as dreams" and remembers conversations in dreams initially upon waking as if conversations occurred, then realizing it a dream in a conscious state, (if a given person ever realizes that "life is but a dream" and, hence, "voices" as a psychiatric term, in a sense, is phenomenon experienced by everybody with "a brain to dream").

As a supposition: "voices" are "thoughts" which originate in brains like remembered conversations in dream cycles (for those with a brain to dream), but manifest in subjects with mental illness and/or in subjects who reportedly "hear voices" when subjects are seemingly conscious.   

Further: "voices" and what the term connotes may be related to sleep disorder symptoms, (if there is such a thing termed "voices" other than poor vocabulary choice by probable illiterate people on wards describing symptoms to medical staff with the words "I hear voices," the term "voices" then coined in psychiatric diagnostic manuals like the term "disgruntled worker" coined by a judge about the one time, tax-paying, postal worker who turns a gun on co-workers), except that a subject is seemingly conscious when it is determined by medical staff and/or others that a subject reportedly "hears voices."

Who is it or what is it that does not have a mind to dream in infinite arrays spread across the living Universe(s) other than dullards who would purport to know, knowing nothing of anything: much less 3% of the Universe, knowing 0% of infinity about anybody or anything other than what amounts to hyperbola in communication as infinite in knowing as can be defined at the same time defining knowing as infinitesimal, as if knowledge can be defined it, knowledge, being infinitesimal and infinite concomitantly!?

So, as a motto by which to live: "be a good savage," bearing in mind that life is but a dream, fiction and illusion; or else, "we would be as gods" as opposed to mortals with no control over bowels ingesting five laxatives and taking a five mile hike as proof of no control over bowels and no control over innumerable events experienced by myriad lives from weather events to opinionated pillory and stigma directed at what amounts to "objects of scorn," such as people diagnosed with schizophrenia or other people who find themselves as "objects of scorn" due to false beliefs formulated from false information by whatever means in communities of people.

Hence: pillory and stigma are results of false beliefs formulated from false information, such as reported in media and other sources about schizophrenia or otherwiseand ingested as infallible (but false) beliefs about schizophrenia or otherwise by varied members of communities resulting in pillory and stigma by varied members of communities directed at individuals with schizophrenia or otherwise: people diagnosed with schizophrenia being but one group of people in communities worldwide who experience pillory and stigma by varied members of communities due to false information incurring false beliefs about schizophrenia or otherwise pilloried and stigmatized groups of people in, what amounts to, apparent diversity differences of people in communities and simply, "singling out."

Irony would have it that though a diagnosis of schizophrenia requires so-called false beliefs to manifest in a subject through communication of what is deemed by medical staff and others as false beliefs (among other supposed criteria for a diagnosis): false information reported in media and other sources leads to false beliefs about any number of things and people (not just schizophrenia and people diagnosed with it), which lends to thoughts of whether "the World" (as humankind) mirrors schizophrenia symptoms with "false beliefs" and other diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.

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