Wednesday, September 18, 2013

June 26, 2012 @ 6PM - Lawless:

Richard leans back in a wooden chair in the kitchen next to a table and radio with headphones blaring in his ears as Zoey bounds up to him from the other end of the 45 foot apartment studio where she had been napping.

"Richard!  Richard!"

"What!?" he says as he removes his headphones leaning back in the chair with feet up.

"There's someone pounding on the door."

 "There is ... Who!?"

Suddenly, there is a pounding on the front door to the apartment.

"Who the hell could that be!?"

Richard places his headphones on the table and answers the front door to his apartment down a flight of steps to the second floor.

He opens the door.

"What the hell is going on!?"

Surrounding Richard in the second floor hallway as he emerges from the stairwell out of the doorway to his apartment are five armed policemen.

"Hold on," the point officer states raising his right hand off of his holster belt to indicate 'proceed no further.'

"Well, you're not coming up here!"

"Oh yes we are," an officer besides the point officer states.

The point officer pivots and indicates to the officer behind him with the same hand as he did with Richard in a split second of time.

The point officer turns to Richard.

"Can we go in here?"

"Sure.  You can come in here."

"OK.  Let's go in there."

Richard turns into the small closet hall at the base of thirteen odd steps up to his flat.

"Is there anybody else up there?"

"Just Zoey, the dog and cat."

"Will you call Zoey?"

"Zoey!  Will you come down here please and talk to the police?"

Zoey hurries down the flight of steps and the point officer shuttles her past Richard out of the door into the second floor hallway.

"Can I stand here?" the point officer questions Richard.

"Yeah.  You can stand there.  Do you want me to sit?"

"Yeah.  That'll be great."

Richard sits on the bottom two steps of the staircase and the point officer leans against the wall of the small hall at the base of the steps leading to Richard's apartment.

"So, can you tell me what was going on?"

"I was in the kitchen listening to my headphones and Zoey was napping in bed."

"But we had reports that there was yelling... were you yelling?"

"I was making noise, but I had my headphones on.  It was no worse than what you get on Congress Street."

"Were you angry?"

"No.  I wasn't angry..."

"Well, he was angry, but..." Zoey is overheard explaining in the second floor hallway with backup.

"Well... I guess I was angry...I don't know...You see what it was was I put out my hand for her to take forever and she wouldn't do it.  I was just teenage stuff.  I'm sorry."

"And then what happened?"

"And then she went to bed and I put on my headphones.  I'm kind of a loud mouth.  I'll try to keep quiet."

"How long have you known her?"

"Well, I met her in 2002 on a park bench up at the U., but we didn't start hanging out until 2006.  At first, I didn't want her coming around.  I avoided her phone calls for the first three weeks but she kept coming over."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes.  I love her."

"I see.  Have you been drinking tonight?"

"Yeah.  I had a few."

¨Well OK.  There's nothing wrong with that!  So, you were being boisterous?¨

¨No.  I was being vociferous.¨

¨Well, there´s no law against that!¨

"Who called you?"

"It was an anonymous caller."

"Well, I know it was the neighbors on the first floor."

"No. It was an anonymous caller."

"OK," Richard nods at the officer looking up at him seated on the bottom two steps.

The officer steps out of the doorway of the small hall where Richard sits then rises.  Zoey brushes past Richard up the steps and Richard is about to close the door outside in with hand on the knob.

"Don't forget about him."

"Oh yeah.  Russ!  Russ, come!"

Russ, the dog rushes into the doorway, up the steps and the premises is gun free again.

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