Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bad Boy, Bad Boy:

I have been stopped and questioned by Portland Police Department officers nineteen times during the thirteen years that I have been living in Portland and I have never been arrested.

During the twenty-seven years of my life before moving to Portland, ME in November 1999, I was stopped by other police jurisdictions four times and was never arrested.

I have never been arrested as of March 8, 2013: yet, I have been in at least ten police paddy wagons, cruisers and ambulances in Portland, ME.

I remember all the dates and times that I was interrogated as well as what was exchanged verbally between myself and Portland Police Department officers, up to and including while waiting for my vehicle last Saturday March 1, 2013 outside of Sullivan Tire and being questioned by an officer who was called by somebody who said (according to the officer) that I was passed out when I was sitting in a "Crazy Creek Chair" on Sullivan Tire property waiting for my vehicle to be serviced.

I was first stopped by police for cutting an officer off with my vehicle on Neal St. preceding Thanksgiving 1999.  I told him that I was in a hurry to pick up my brother from the airport and that we were going to Bethel to see family and that I hadn't seen him.  He let me go with a warning.

The next time was in Longfellow Square around June 11, 2001 while on my bike crowing like a rooster and explaining the reason why I had a clown's nose on and crowing like a rooster to three officers.  The three officers let me go with a warning.

The third time I was stopped by Portland PD was July 4, 2001 at 1am during an underage drinking party for which I called police on Neal Street, but the kids hid when police arrived and an officer told me not to call them anymore.  (I was beat up after the police left that night by the underage kids drinking on Neal Street and I have four rib contusion diagnoses to prove it, one diagnosis as recent as 2012).

The fourth time that I was stopped by PD was July 7, 2001 when the landlord on Neal Street called PD and PD put me in a paddy wagon, then took me out of the paddy wagon and put me into a cruiser and took me to Maine Medical Center.

The fifth time I was stopped by police was when I was released from the July 7, 2001 hospital stay on August 4, 2001 and one of the kids from the underage drinking party on July 4, 2001 threatened to kill me.  So, I asked my doctor what I should do and he said to file a police report.  Of course, I never want to have to go to court: so, when at the police station to make a complaint, PD put me in a cruiser and took me to Maine Medical Center.

The sixth, seventh and eighth time I had interactions with Portland PD was during the fall of 2002.  Albeit, I was under duress and hospitalized three different times (including for a sodium seizure during fall 2002) and have since won a class action suit for why I was under duress.

The ninth time that I was stopped by PD was during December 2002 when I went out to buy condoms and an angry man with a wife and baby attacked me thinking I ran over his baby when his baby was crying behind him on the sidewalk in front of my house because the baby's dad was going to hit me in the head with a weapon while my girlfriend and his wife were screaming.  Police came into my apartment to question me that night.

The tenth time that I was stopped by PD was during May 2004 on Oxford Street and Myrtle Streets for making an illegal left down a one way street.  I told the officer that I forgot what street I was on as Oxford Street a block from Myrtle is one way in the other direction.  The officer questioned me as to whether I had been drinking.  The answer was no and I went home.

The eleventh time that I was stopped was November 2007 for an illegal right on red.  I paid the fine and went to traffic school.

The twelfth time I was stopped was May of 2008 when I had a suicide attempt because I can't take these fucking Maineiacs anymore.

The thirteenth time I was stopped was on Ludlow Street during July of 2008 for no seat belt.  I paid the $74 fine and sent a $50 donation in the Portland PD name to Animal Refuge League because of no seat belt for the dog I had with me.

The fourteenth time I was stopped by PD was the night of December 8, 2010 on Granite Street when my girlfriend at the time was having a health crisis and crashed on Granite.  Then, she ran to my house when I took her back to the scene of the accident, waylaid the initiating officer from contacting the 9-11 callers and rubber-neckers on Granite to tell the officer that it was a mental health issue and that the driver of the crashed car was in my vehicle.  I counted to 24 - 1000 on one leg and a bunch of other things they had me do on that cold night with no coat and then they let me take the driver of the crashed vehicle (my girlfriend) home to her mother.

The fifteenth time that I was stopped was by a Cumberland County Sheriff's bus on the way down Congress Street one morning at 8am sometime between 2009 and 2010.  I cut him off because I thought that he was going to let me into traffic.  The sheriff bus driver said that he was going to pull my papers, but decided not to.  (I felt like telling him: yeah, I woke just this morning to cut off a sheriff's bus.  My whole life: all I wanted was to cut off a sheriff bus).

The sixteenth time that I was stopped by Portland PD was November 15, 2011 on my front walk for doing nothing except walking my dog and a host of underage kids come running up out of the dark at behest of an officer nearby with flashing lights and ask for my ID.  I told the kids to "fuck off" and started walking back to my apartment when the officer in charge of the Nazi Youth doing so called community policing strides up to me on my front walk on Washburn Ave and pulls my license.  He tells me not to be mean to kids again or he'll arrest me.  (Well, I think that I had just come home that day from visiting Spring Harbor's Children's Wards with my pet therapy dog as a volunteer job.  I have a log for proof as does Spring Harbor).

The seventeenth time that I was stopped by PD was on April 6, 2012 at my house having come home from the dog park and 7-11 with beer.  I had called somebody "fat" at the dog park and they called police who waylaid me at my house, my having parked.  I was given a field sobriety test and allowed to keep my beer and cigarettes.  (I have the entire interrogation between the officers and me that night written out in another part of my blogs).

The eighteenth time that I was stopped by police was when some neighbors called police because I had my headphones on in my kitchen (singing) or shouting to heavy metal.  They pounded on my door, then accused me of being "boisterous" to which I replied: "I was not being boisterous, I was being vociferous."  The officer replied that there is nothing against the law with that.  (Really: they thought that because they know I am schizophrenic, I am an axe murderer murdering my girlfriend whom I still see and have been seeing awhile.  Everybody knows that all schizophrenics are really axe murderers.  Try saying "schizophrenia" out loud in a room full of people and watch everybody turn their heads if not call the police).

The nineteenth time was at Sullivan Tire on March 1, 2013 when someone called police because I was sitting in a "Crazy Creek Chair" waiting for my vehicle to be serviced.  Lucky thing someone came out of Sullivan Tire because even the guy who came out of Sullivan Tire said it looked like the officer was going to give me hard time.  That officer was about to lay hands on me and would not listen to me when I said and I quote: "I am waiting for my vehicle.  I made the appointment last Wednesday for 9am today."  (Not like I speak smatterings of Krio, Swahili, Setswana and French to an officer in the Sullivan Tire parking lot)!  When I said that, the officer was reaching for me and I stepped on my dog's foot by accident saying sorry to the dog and patting it when the guy from Sullivan Tire came out and said something.

I remembered one other time subsequently to the previous written nineteen times that I have been stopped: during October 2002 when I was under duress from a poison medicine for me, a girlfriend at the time called the police when I was sitting in my "Crazy Creek Chair" on the my back porch in the sun eating cereal out of a bowl and with a spoon fully dressed and my dog next to me.  I was taken to Maine Medical Center that day and released a few hours later.


And then there is the four times that I have been stopped by Maine town police and the two times that I have been stopped by Maine State Police, all six times let go with a warning.

So, I have been stopped (26) twenty-six times in the State of Maine by authorities since October 1997 when I moved to Maine whereas in the previous (27) years of my life living in NYC, Atlanta, MA, SF CA, Seattle, overseas travel, crossing the USA (8) eight times in a pick up truck sleeping in the back: I was stopped and questioned by police jurisdictions (5) five times or since eighteen years old when I obtained my license in NYC, (5) five times in seven years: two of the five times not traffic related. 

Prison smoke traced to inmate cooking in toilet:

talk about noxious stimuli: he'd give for homemade pie! I tell you no lie, my my my: what he'd give for some rye! Almost makes you want to cry: sleeping so close and nearby- a stink pile and a fry pan- makes for a great big sigh!  (Mar 29, 2009 | post #31)

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