Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More on 'Voices:'

If 'voices' originate in the brain because there is no other apparent source for them, what are 'voices' but 'thoughts?'

Everybody hears so called 'voices.' 

Think to a time of having a vivid dream and a whole conversation played out in the dream with effect enough to awake and think it real: as if the conversation occurred when realizing it a dream.

'Voices' are thoughts akin to sleep cycle dreams, except occur when a person is conscious.  They don't come out of the ether, as is supposed by ignorant masses from so called health professionals to anybody and everybody when they hear that word 'mental illness' or more specifically: 'schizophrenia.'

Everybody has thought that they heard 'something' when that 'thing' turns out to be nothing at all upon investigation. 

"Must've been my imagination," as adage to the supposition that everybody hears so called 'voices' at one time or another during life: especially when sleep deprived as so many more people are in this day and age incurring accelerated diagnoses rates of mental health issues among the population where 1 in 5 people were diagnosed with a major mental health issue in 2006 and in 2012: 1 in 4.

What will the diagnosis ratio be in 2016?  1 in 2?  Psychiatrists such as E. Fuller Torrey already purport that 50% of the USA population undergoes some kind of psychosis at some point in their lives, whether diagnosed or not.

So, a mental illness diagnosis might be coming to a person(s) near you soon, if not you!

There are many more misconceptions about mental health issues in the general public's mind and, in my humble opinion (as a person labeled with schizophrenia since 1996): one of which being that yelling the word 'schizophrenia' in a crowd is akin to yelling the word 'gun' in a crowd, quite literally.


Because the media portrays people with so called 'schizophrenia' as so called deranged 'criminals' 77% of the time in cross-genre formats such as news, sitcoms or else any genre in media: both print, online and TV.

The actual statistic of the two million people in the USA diagnosed with 'schizophrenia' who are criminally minded is less than 3%: 3% being a statistic synonymous with the general population's criminal element category.

Personally: as a person who has been diagnosed with 'schizophrenia' since 1996 and having experienced much 'stigma' as a result from everybody I ever meet save one or two people whom I've met in that time are stupid, asinine people with the intellects of gnats in that I am told things like "it's all in your head" or "you hear voices" or "did they adjust your meds again" or "what's wrong with your head," etc.

I have been told those things on a daily basis since 1996 when news spread of my diagnosis amongst people who were at one time friends, family members (including my mother, father, brother and sister), neighbors and strangers to new people whom I meet and they are told that I am diagnosed 'schizophrenia' and not to have anything to do with me because "he will make your life a living hell!"

Yet, the facts are that I am now marrying a woman with whom I have dated for seven years, she being one of two people whom I have met since 1996 who never says those mean, stigmatic comments to me.

The 'stigma' with which I live as a person diagnosed as 'schizophrenia' is such that people will not socialize with me, run for the hills, block me on Facebook, don't answer my emails or calls, call me "0 credibility" when I am unemployable as a result of the diagnosis and stress due to the stigma so that I end up feeling rotten about myself having feelings of my own and they generally keep their distance preferring that I disappear into the ether myself, or so it seems.

Basically, the question: "do you hear 'voices?' is possibly the stupidest, asinine and most inconsiderate question to ask anyone, especially a person who has been diagnosed with 'schizophrenia.'

I am insulted every time I hear that question and can see through the fallacy of a 'specimen's' logic that asks it resulting in all my blogs wherein I have an outlet for the years of unkind words and violence said to me and perpetrated against me as a result of the label 'schizophrenia' by people who are supposed to be on friendly terms with me or akin to me in some way or have been until I wrote about it in blogs finding my 'writing voice' once again after years of reflecting on what I read during three years living in my truck and locking myself in a library for twelve hours per day over the three years.

Anybody would go so called 'crazy' reading the Old Testament three chapters per day with notes as well as Cervantes' Don Quixote in two sittings among fifteen hours of chess on Christmas Day 1995 and other days when the library was closed: nobody to talk to in family or familiarity where I was living in my truck, chased out of my father's house in 1994 by him 'kicking plastic chairs at me over lunch one day and yelling at me and my leaving on the next scheduled flight date.'

Now and since 1996, I have been granted monetary support from my family: but, not emotional support.  I may never achieve the emotional support from my mother with whom I have always sought emotional support until today as I write this piece when she says to me that I should never tell anyone about my diagnosis.  She says to me that I should tell people, if anything, bi-polar.

I tell her that I was not the first to tell everyone about my diagnosis: that I am just proving it to everybody about my diagnosis because others went out and told everybody up to and including my name being splashed over the front page of the Casco Bay Jerkly on January 6, 2000 as a person with 'schizophrenia' who has an idea for Portland Radio Theater when I first moved to Portland, ME.

What people do not understand is that everybody is born with two talents, as the parable goes.  Since I never possessed the two Kruger Rands my godfather had given me at birth and they were lost by my family, I only have two other talents: 'schizophrenia' and my 'writing voice.'

So, with those two talents: I try to dispel the myths surrounding 'stigma' and 'schizophrenia' by writing about what I know, 'schizophrenia' and things or happenings in my life which delineate the absurdity with which most people function in their daily lives when it comes to selfish, inconsiderate, greedy, mean spirited and stupid comments and machinations against others that if they were to walk in the shoes of someone else ... they wouldn't last three steps, much less know the meaning or care to know the meaning of 'to understand a person, walk a mile in their shoes.'

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