Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Get the Country:

An average height, large, heavy set, white man with black tank top and knee length, grey shorts straddles a bicycle with two empty buckets slung over the back wheel bike rack for bottles.  He straddles and walks the bike with his pudgy girlfriend or wife walking by his side when an older, short Asian woman runs up the block of five story, red brick buildings on either side of the street and stops the man straddling the bike confronting him.  She appears to want the bike by holding the handle bars and trying to pull it away from the large, heavy set man.

After a brief confrontation on the sidewalk between the large, heavy set man and the short Asian woman, the man relinquishes his grip on the bike and the Asian woman hurries across the street with the bike.  The large, heavy set man lumbers in pursuit of her across the street in front of a coffee shop and restaurant in the wee hours of the morning when all that is open is coffee.

"No. Fuck you," the man repeatedly yells at the short, Asian woman lumbering across the street to in front of the coffee shop and closed restaurant while the Asian woman hurries with the bicycle down the block.

Then, the man, being called by his wife from across the street, turns and lumbers back to his wife grumbling.  He steps up onto the curb of the sidewalk where his wife is standing, waiting and a short, older, Asian man with graying dark hair runs down the side of the street where he sees the heavy set, white man walking down the block.  He runs up to the white man turning around and they begin to yell at each other about to fight when Jim watching from his truck parked in front of the coffee shop and another man walking down the street see that the heavy set, white man is about to start punching the older Asian man.

"Ronnie!  Don't do it!  Ronnie!" Jim yells at the heavy set, white man striding towards the fight on the sidewalk across the street from his truck.

"Watch out!  He's about to spit on you," the other man walking down the street stopped to put a stop to the fight tells the Asian man.

The Asian man pulls out a cell phone and is grabbed from behind by his wife who is snatching at the cell phone.  The Asian man and woman speak little English and are hurriedly speaking to one another, the Asian man trying to pull the cell phone back from his wife's grip.

"He's going to call police.  He's got a phone," the bystander man walking down the street says to Ronnie.

"Don't fight.  Don't hit him, Ronnie," Jim yells trying to put himself in between the Asian man and Ronnie.

"Why not!?  I want to fight," Ronnie yells back stepping forward towards the Asian man with both men ready to lurch at each other, fists flying.

"Just get out of here.  Stay away from that man," Jim yells at the Asian man.

"Don't hit him!  He's an old man!  Don't do it!  You want to fight!?  Fight me!" the other bystander who tries to stop the fight shouts at Ronnie.

The Asian man and wife step off the curb to cross the street back to where the Asian woman left the bike in front of the coffee shop.

"Now, this should be a good fight," Jim mutters at Ronnie and the other bystander.  Jim turns and follows the Asian man and his wife across the street saying for them to stay away from that man.

"But, it's my country!" Ronnie yells from behind Jim and Jim hears as he ascends the step up onto the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop and enters the coffee shop for coffee.

Exiting the coffee shop with coffee and tin foil wrapped bagel in hands, Jim notices several police cars and flashing lights at the next block by the store where the bottle collectors bring their bottles every morning at 7am.  Jim has given bottles to the Asian man before in his neighborhood.

"So, the police were called?" Jim asks his girlfriend, both sitting in Jim's truck.


"Well, it was that Chinese guy's bike.  I think what happened is Ronnie just took it from the wife and headed up the block while the man was in the store returning bottles."

"I see."

"So, what happened?  Why are they at the next block?"

"That guy you know went after the Asian man and woman down the block.  They were on the island at the light and police showed up."

"Oh well.  I guess Ronnie got arrested.  Can you imagine the gall of him saying that on July 4th: it's my country!?  Yeah, trust some red neck maniac to say that today."

As police disperse on the next block, Jim sees Ronnie and wife or girlfriend hand in hand walk up the block across the street from the coffee shop.

"Oh.  There he is.  I guess he didn't get arrested."

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