Wednesday, September 18, 2013

US Sets New Records:

April was the 195th straight month that the number of American workers collecting federal disability payments increased, to a record 10,962,532 beneficiaries.

In December 1968, there were about 51 full-time workers for each worker collecting disability.

In April 2013, there were only 13 Americans working full-time for each worker on disability.

And what? in 1968, 1 in 51 people were diagnosed with a disability.

1 in 5 people were diagnosed with a disability in 2006.

In 2012, 1 in 4 people were diagnosed with a disability.

What will it be in 2016? 1 in 2?

Some doctors already say 1 in 2 people in the US are disabled.

Too many quacks?

Romney talked about the 48%, but the 52% of 'quackery' types put them there.

And the lawyers incomes from handling disability cases show a similar uptrend.

Then, there are "baby boomers" coming of age for disability as of 2013.

Also, MLK was not entitled to near the benefits as say the present Governor of Maine in 1968, if anything.

Because guys like
pay people to write a tax code that doesn't encourage investment in businesses that hire people, let alone pay their fair share of taxes?

"The Title II programs have suffered
significant episodes of fraud, and the costs to the
Social Security trust funds can no longer be

"Most fraud involving the Title II
benefits programs is the result of deliberate
deception, and arises when an applicant falsifies a
document or record offered as proof of disability..."

Fraud on the part of whom?  The diagnosed disabled?  The health industry?  Lawyers?  Government?  Bankers?  Media?  Capitalism?  Socialism?  Ethnics?  Education?  The 48%?  The 52%?  The 1%?  The 99%?  POTUS?  Joseph Kony?  George Costanza?  Schizophrenia?  Yes.  The world is diagnosable with schizophrenia.   

"And, you want to be my latex salesman?"


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