Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Two Poems:

clap, clap, clap...
tap, tippy toe, tap
rap, rap, rap and a
cash strapped Madoff
in the can losing a
tan in the cell ends
to a means of wishful
thinking like the lie
he told was the truth
for forty years and 50
billion smackers picked
pockets the size of lock
stock and barrel knocks on
Knox door to be let out but
bending over he's lost goy.
indiscernible, indelible mark &
futile, refutable, stark fury;
curried potatoes, scrumptious
delicacies, constipation alert:
"what! who? where? when? how?"
retarded as if "columned-clouds
derivatives" discerned denoted
embellishment of purple halo:
saturn's figurine partridge in
a swarth of flowing lava amidst
a shining sea, incredible tides
swept out and bear trampsed trap.
skinned, skewered, stewed and et
to a delightful squeal of cub at
bay knock knock talk talk knock
pacing to and fro fearing woes.

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